AAVE Crypto: meaning, price, prediction and news

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How the value of AAVE evolves

The name "Aave" comes from the Finnish word for "ghost." Aave meaning reflects the platform's focus on creating a transparent and open infrastructure for decentralized finance (DeFi). Aave aims to enable users to lend, borrow, and earn interest on crypto assets in a trustless manner, much like a ghost or an invisible entity facilitating these financial transactions without the need for traditional intermediaries. You can quote, buy, and follow Aave price on our platform, Cryptomkt.

What is AAVE?

AAVE is a decentralized lending platform that has become one of the largest and most established projects in the crypto world today. Through AAVE, lenders earn interest by depositing digital assets, while borrowers can use their cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans using this liquidity. It has a circulating supply of 14,093,193 AAVE coins and a maximum supply of 16,000,000 AAVE coins.

AAVE  logo with current market value.

3 reasons to choose AAVE


Flash loans

One of AAVE's standout features is its ability to facilitate flash loans, a type of uncollateralized loan that can be requested from AAVE under the condition that the original money plus interest be returned to the platform in the same transaction.


Choose your rate type

Another significant advantage is that you can apply for your loans through AAVE and switch between fixed and variable interest rates as you see fit and according to the added value it generates for you.



AAVE's open-source protocol is based on Ethereum, one of the most recognized and prestigious blockchains. This transparency ensures users can trust and verify the operations within the protocol.

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