Stasis Euro price today.
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How the value of Stasis Euro evolves
EURS's standing on the CoinMarketCap index is currently #232, with a market capitalization of $135,209,198 USD. EURS stablecoin is available for trading on the CryptoMKT website, offering an updated quote of its price. Additionally, charts and statistics provide insights into its stable performance over recent weeks.
What is Stasis Euro?
Stasis Euro, or EURS, is a stable digital asset backed by euros, merging the advantages of the world's second most significant currency with the transparency and efficiency of blockchain technology. EURS stablecoin replicates the euro's value on the blockchain, supported by collateral mechanisms through a liquidity provider, custodian, payment platform ecosystem, and more. Each token maintains a 1:1 parity with euros held in Stasis company's reserve accounts.
3 reasons to choose Stasis Euro
As a member of the stablecoin category, EURS's price is indexed to the euro, shielding it from the volatility typical of other cryptocurrencies.
Solid backing
EURS stablecoin benefits from liquidity guarantee mechanisms, blending the strengths of a global fiat currency with cutting-edge blockchain technology.
The demand for EURS stablecoin is surging, driven by its integration into leading DeFi protocols such as Uniswap, Curve, CREAM, and