Cardano price today.
Get information about the price of Cardano so you can make better buying or selling decisions
How the value of Cardano evolves
Cardano's current ranking on the CoinMarketCap index is #7, with a market capitalization of $14,107,857,631 USD. Today, ADA is available for purchase and sale on the CryptoMKT website with an updated price quote. You can also review charts with statistics that will show its performance in recent weeks.
What is Cardano?
ADA is the cryptocurrency of Cardano, a public blockchain platform valued for its decentralized nature. Founded in 2015, it stands out as one of the cryptocurrencies that employs Proof of Stake as its consensus protocol, which facilitates transactions and supports a robust system of smart contracts.
3 reasons to choose Cardano
Cardano boasts unlimited scalability potential, fast and cost-effective transactions, a fair consensus mechanism, and the capability to develop decentralized applications. This versatility contributes to the ongoing interest in Cardano news and developments.
ADA Cardano is resistant to inflation due to its increasing demand and the limited total number of coins available. This aspect is crucial for those tracking Cardano price predictions, as it influences the long-term value of ADA.
Highly secure
In Cardano, the language used for smart contracts is functional, fault-tolerant, and highly secure. This high degree of security is a key factor for investors and developers alike, affecting the Cardano price and its adoption rate.