DAI price today.
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How the value of DAI evolves
DAI's current ranking on the CoinMarketCap index is #17, with a market capitalization of $4,888,880,462 USD. DAI is available for trading on the CryptoMKT website with an updated market quote. Additionally, you can review charts with statistics that show today's dai price and its recent market behavior.
What is DAI?
DAI is the first decentralized stablecoin, and as an ERC-20 token, it aims to maintain a stable value of 1:1 with the US dollar. Unlike other stablecoins issued and controlled by a central authority, DAI is the native token of the Maker protocol, an autonomous and decentralized ecosystem of smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.
3 reasons to choose DAI
To keep its price stable and pegged to the US dollar, the Maker Protocol has implemented a mechanism ensuring that each existing DAI token is backed by an adequate amount of other cryptocurrencies.
These backing cryptocurrencies are deposited into smart contract vaults whenever a new DAI is minted.
Growing Ecosystem
DAI cryptocurrency supports over 400 applications, including virtual wallets, decentralized finance platforms, and games, among others.