Shiba Inu price today.
Get information about the price of Shiba Inu so you can make better buying or selling decisions
How the value of Shiba Inu evolves
Currently, Shiba Inu ranks #15 on CoinMarketCap, with a market capitalization of $5,920,654,125 USD. Shiba Inu coin is available for trading on the CryptoMKT website with an updated market quote. You can also examine charts and statistics for Shiba that show today's price and its recent market behavior.
What is Shiba Inu?
Shiba Inu is a cryptocurrency that was anonymously created in August 2020, inspired by a well-known meme. It quickly gained popularity due to a community of investors captivated by the project's value and supportive tweets from figures like Vitalik Buterin (creator of Ethereum). It operates on the Ethereum blockchain, thus inheriting the security attributes of this network.
3 reasons to choose Shiba Inu
Active Community
The Shiba Inu website encourages dog-inspired artists worldwide to promote the "Shiba art movement" while integrating the Shiba community into the NFT market.
As Shiba Inu operates on the Ethereum blockchain, it benefits from the robust security features of this network.
Metaverse Project
Shiba Inu has launched its own metaverse and formed partnerships with various companies, making it one of the top 20 digital assets used worldwide.