Stellar Lumens price today.
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How the value of Stellar Lumens evolves
XLM serves as a bridge token, making it more convenient to trade assets across borders, which sets it apart from existing payment providers that charge high fees for a similar service. Another significant benefit is that Stellar supports a distributed exchange model; for example, a user can send dollars even if they only have credit in euros. The Stellar network will automatically perform currency conversion at the best available rates. You can quote, buy, and follow the price of XLM on our platform, Cryptomkt.
What is Stellar Lumens?
A lumen (XLM) is the digital currency unit of Stellar, an open-source and decentralized platform that connects banks, payment systems, and individuals. This platform was designed to facilitate cross-border transactions, making them faster, more secure, and less costly. It has an approximate circulating supply of 26,109,554,164 XLM coins and a maximum supply of 50,001,806,812 XLM coins.
3 reasons to choose Stellar Lumens
Fast and economical transactions
Stellar Lumens is designed to process transactions quickly and economically, with transaction confirmation times in seconds and very low transaction fees. This makes it ideal for small and frequent transactions, especially for international money transfers.
Focus on financial inclusion
Stellar Lumens focuses on financial inclusion and aims to create a global payment network that connects people worldwide, regardless of their location or financial situation. The Stellar network allows people to conduct direct transactions with each other, without the need for costly and complex financial intermediaries.
Scalability and security
Stellar Lumens technology is based on a consensus protocol called Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA), which allows high scalability and security on the network. The FBA protocol enables the Stellar network to process up to 1000 transactions per second and adapt to different security levels according to the network's needs.